What we wish for this holiday season, after suffering through one of the most hate-marred years in Hollywood memory since the cross-burnin' heyday of D.W. Griffith, is for every man, woman, and child with a vested interest in the weekend grosses—be they Mayan, Jew, faux-Kazakh or Afro-American—to lay down all spears, epithets, forks, and empty bottles of tequila, and come together in a show of Universal (or Sony—we aren't picky) peace and harmony. Realistically, however, we know we probably won't get that, and what we can look forward to this blessed Christmas eve is something closer to the content of this video, in which St. Nick fails to live up to his jolly rep moments after a few mouthy co-workers step on his always-sure-to-kill "the difference between Mr. Claus and Mrs. Claus" bit with some obnoxious elf heckling.