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Washington Post: "The best-run newspaper company in America because [Donald Graham] is head and shoulders the best newspaper executive in America." [NYT]
Print Radar: the same, but not (i.e., funded, allegedly). Also, they have a willingness to tell the truth—and claim pretty much any story that appeared somewhere else as an exlusive— that makes them different. Oh, the Radacity. [WWD]
America: Not ready to get its news from someone with a vagina.[Marketwatch]
Jayson Blair: working again! [BH]
Louise McBain, classicist: "So although we so rightly celebrate the breakthroughs of our age, we must ask ourselves a question: Are we Googling while Rome burns?" [NYM]
Nick Denton: "the kind of guy who would give you his kidney." Uh, yeah. We're gonna stick with "insane but brilliant." [Guardian]