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Each week, a reader comment per day is selected for inclusion and veneration in the Gold Star Motel. Standards of excellence are arbitrary, fluid, and contradictory. The reward is strictly honorary (at best). This week:

Re: And This Time We Mean It: Gawker's New Year's Resolutions
KarenUhOh - "Will you be televising our executions?"

Re: Speaking Truth To Power — Well, To The 'Observer' — At The Debutard Ball
Looker - "That karate move she is performing is called the Crouching Debutard."

Re: 'Playboy' Plaything vs. 'Post'
DavidWatts - "'I am too fucking that old man! He's really sweet and smells like that sausage store in the mall. OMG, that's totes my fave store!'"

Re: Crossing the Line: This New Generation (of Preteen Sluts)
mediahohoho - "They should have hired that US [Weekly] writer for a counter-point opinion."

Earlier: Surreptitious Orgasm