• Maria Bartiromo: too palsy with her subjects. [NYT]
  • Tribune: The Energizer Bunny of boring media stories. [WSJ]
  • Bonnier: $225M for Time 4 Media. [NYP; interview with Bonnier VP here]
  • Lloyd Grove: Gonna have to do a write-around on the Barbara Walters New York mag profile. [WWD]
  • Ken Baker: Handling Michael Eisner's upskirt videos for Us. [Jossip]
  • Greta Van Sustern: Work done. [TVNewser]
  • Post: promotions. [NYP]
  • Media: Slashing jobs. Hope that 20 grand your folks dropped on J-school was worth it. [UPI]
  • Correction of the Day: "Today, we described Katie Cruise's "power pants" as "flesh-covered". We meant "flesh-coloured", of course. Thanks to the readers who pointed out the mistake. Your thoughts on Tom Cruise's involvement are almost certainly defamatory." [Guardian]