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· British exhibitors yank Night at the Museum from theaters to punish Fox for violating the sacred DVD release window, further threatening to have Ben Stiller drawn and quartered should he attempt to promote the DVD on British soil. [Variety]
· With no American Idol to contend with, ABC makes Thursday night its Nielsen bitch. [THR]
· Penelope Cruz will supplant Scarlett Johansson as Woody Allen's chesty object of age-inappropriate lust in his next film, which will shoot in Barcelona this summer. [Variety]
· After failing to agree to a "workable content-sharing agreement," Viacom demands that 100,000 clips featuring its content be immediately removed from the YouTubes, a move that could make embeddable video of The Hills tragically hard to come by. [THR · Producer Dino De Laurentiis threatens that if his Hannibal Rising prequel is a success, he can take the character even younger in future installments like Hannibal Lecter: Cannibal Baby. [Variety]