Rudy Giuliani: A Firm, Potent Leader With Plenty of Stamina

The Post ruined all our breakfasts with their cover this morning (seriously: "Judi gushes as Rudi rushes in"?? Ewwwww!!!) Because we're very considerate, we waited until almost lunchtime to bring you our analysis of the article inside, which features excerpts from the Judi Giuliani interview that will appear in March's Harper's Bazaar, as well as the scintillating non-news that Rudy has filed some important papers that bring him one step closer to officially declaring his presidential candidacy. Exciting! But not as exciting as the Giulianis' marriage. Praising Rudy's "testosterone factor," Judi crowed to HB,
One of the most remarkable things about my husband, who sleeps three or four hours a night, is his energy level and stamina.
As campaign strategies go, we're not quite sure about this one, but who knows? Elderporn is really hot right now.
Runnin Mates Judi'n'Rudi [NYP]
The Graying of Naughty [NYT]