• Sports Illustrated and Dasani water team up for world's biggest blowjob billboard. [NYP]
  • AMI: "That fucking dog keeps eating our financial statements." [AdAge]
  • David Carr ponders the future of MTV. [NYT]
  • Tribune put itself on the market too late, and now it's gonna suffer. Much like those of us who have been waiting for the Tribune story to end. [WSJ]
  • Remember how everyone though Bruce Wasserstein had lost it when he stepped into the Carl Icahn/Time Warner thing? Well, guess who's laughing now. [NYP]
  • If YouTube has lost Simon Dumenco, then they've lost, well, Simon Dumenco. [AdAge]
  • Jimmy Kimmel's twenty viewers will continue to enjoy his comic stylings through 2009. [B&C]
  • Websites of all stripes hungry for Oscar-related traffic. [NYT]
  • TV causes short-sightedness, obesity, premature puberty and autism in children. On the other hand, it keeps them quiet for a while. [Independent]