• Everything you need to know about Conrad Black, whose fraud trial starts this week. [Maclean's]
  • The week in redesigns: Time's print edition (coming Friday), The New Republic's print edition, and the dreadful, dreadful Daily News' website. [NYDN]
  • David Carr on the Village Voice situation: Michael Lacey should really be running things. We loved the last two paragraphs of this column. [NYT]
  • Which TV news anchorwoman is almost certainly Maria Bartiromo? [NYP]
  • New culprit in Brian Williams' tanking ratings: Ellen DeGeneres. [NYT]
  • If Sam Zell buys Tribune - and who knows if he will, this story is as fucking ridiculous as it is long-running - this is the kind of boss he might be. [LAT]
  • NYT will nod politely, pretend to listen, as disgruntled institutional shareholders make presentations to the board. [WSJ]
  • Kurt Eichenwald: not a buyer of stories. Or young boys. [MarketWatch]
  • Why bad things happen to reporters in Russia. [NYT]
  • It's hard to believe now, but at one point Premiere was actually relevant. And now it's dead. [LAT]