Marilee Jones, the head of MIT's admissions, resigned today "after it was confirmed that she had misrepresented her academic degrees," according to an memo sent around MIT this morning. Gah! We hope she didn't actually go to Penn or something horrible like that. Weirdly, the dean has worked in MIT admissions since 1979. We salute her. And good to know—it takes them nearly 20 10 years to catch on to stuff!

To Members of the MIT Campus Community:

I wanted to share with you the following statement, which the
Institute will release later this morning.


Daniel E. Hastings
Dean for Undergraduate Education


MIT Dean for Undergraduate Education Daniel E. Hastings announced
today that Marilee Jones has resigned from her position as Dean of
Admissions, after it was confirmed that she had misrepresented her
academic degrees to the Institute. Stuart Schmill has been named
Interim Director of Admissions, effective immediately, and a search
process for a permanent head of admissions will begin shortly.

"This is a sad and unfortunate event," said Dean Hastings. "But the
integrity of the Institute is our highest priority, and we cannot
tolerate this kind of behavior."

Dean Hastings added that the MIT admissions process is built on the
dedication of dozens of faculty and staff who commit themselves to the
selection of MIT's undergraduate students. "The process of admitting
the incoming class continues without disruption," Dean Hastings said.

April 26, 2007

Marilee Jones [MIT]
MIT Admissions Dean Resigns; Admits Misleading School on Credentials [Crimson]