• Because of the "good behavior" she displayed by showing up in court, Paris Hilton will only serve about 23 days, and she'll be separated from the general inmate population. Just like at Hyde! [AP]
  • Trouble in paradise for Lindsay Lohan and Calum Best: they got into a screaming match at the Soho Grand on Monday night. [Page Six]
  • Calum Best is just a classy guy all around, it seems— apparently he spends "Lindsay's money" getting other girls drunk so that they will bone him. [R&M]
  • 'Office' star Jenna Fischer slipped on the marble steps at Buddakan and fractured four bones in her back. Nooo! [Page Six]
  • Laura Prepon and Jason Lewis are maybe, you know, canoodling it up. [Ed Note: Who?] [Em note: You know, the chick from 'That 70s Show' who is unrecognizable now because of her new blonde hair, which was totally a Jennifer Grey gets a nose job move, and the dude who fucked Samantha towards the end of SATC and hasn't done much since besides dump Rosario Dawson][Gatecrasher, 2nd item]