So MySpace sent Valleywag a press release this morning with lots of exclamation points — and two misspellings in the subject line alone. You've got to hand it to MySpace's PR team: They're practically as one with their demographic. The topic? "Hott4Hill," a lesbian-crush video about Hillary Clinton. Already sounding stupid, right? But here's where the attempt at publicity got downright idiotic.

Ostensibly, MySpace was trying to highlight its MySpace TV video channels with this release. One slight hitch: The "Hott4Hill" video is also posted on YouTube, where it's gotten 600,000 views. And on MySpace TV? 1,400. Ouch. Even "Hott4Hill", on her MySpace profile, embeds a YouTube video, not the MySpace version.

This image was lost some time after publication.

Having concluded there wasn't much more to see on MySpace, I turned my attention to Facebook, whose users, I discovered, hungered for HIllary in a different way. The most popular HIllary group? "Hillary Clinton: Stop Running for President and Make Me a Sandwich."

And from this exercise, what knowledge did I acquire? MySpace's users are not quite as clueless as the site's PR team, since at least they know that YouTube is a better video site. And Facebook's users are a bunch of lazy college smartasses. In other words, I learned absolutely nothing. And now, so have you.