Calacanis an iPhone expert, say his underlings

Purchase an iPhone and experiencing problems? Have no fear, Mahalo is here! Jason Calacanis's blowhard-powered search engine has handcrafted a results page specifically for your "iPhone problems." Mahalo claims to build "organized, comprehensive, and spam free search results" that "only include great links" with the best at the top using trusted "guides to make judgment calls based on what's in the best interest of our users." Certainly, a site that curates only the most authoritative links, according to Calacanis, can provide the answers to your questions about the most highly covered device in tech history. Well, no, it can't. But it does answer the question of why Mahalo is sure to fail.
The third link listed is to — surprise, surprise — Jason Calacanis's very own blog. The authoritative wisdom he brings us:
Can someone tell me why this thing doesn't have a cut and paste function?
That's it. A 14-word question, best suited for the transience of Twitter, posted a month after hundreds of other blogs had made the same observation!? Thanks for being my guide, Jason.
There is not one link on the entire page to the most authoritative and respected source on the subject: Apple, the iPhone's maker. Not a single link to:
- Apple's main iPhone support page
- any of Apple's 109 technical articles addressing iPhone issues
- any of Apple's more than 10,000 discussion topics focused on the iPhone
This page alone — just one small example of life inside the Calacanis know-it-all bubble — is all the evidence you'll ever need to argue why Mahalo should, and will, fail.