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If it's not a feud, it's a very strange friendship. News Corp. president Peter Chernin says, "We're the ones who should determine what the fair price for our product is, not Apple." He's speaking, of course, of the massive Fox library of TV shows and movies his company controls, and Apple's penchant for uniform pricing for video downloads. A translation of Chernin's comments: "We're staying put for now, but watch your a**, Steve Jobs." While Apple has sold 1 million iPhones and over 100 million iPods, its storefront is replaceable (Amazon Unbox, Microsoft's Xbox 360 Marketplace, Joost, etc.). Content partners like NBC are not. Apple best do what it can to quell this proletariat uprising before things get out of hand. What exactly would Apple do for its video iPods and iPhones if studios went on "strike?" Probably let users contentedly fill their devices with pirated BitTorrent downloads.