Which network, you might ask, will be washed into fourth place when NBC co-chairman Ben Silverman unleashes his perfect television storm on his helpless competitors? In a Very Special Synergistic Conversation with CNBC chatshow personality Michael Eisner to air tomorrow night, the brash young conqueror of boob-tube worlds predicts it's Fox that will feel the resurgent's Peacock's fury (who can forget those terrifying cake-talons?), as Silverman ironically uses the very programs developed by NBC predecessor/newly appointed Foxster Kevin Reilly to bury his rival's network while it awaits American Idol-led Nielsen salvation.

And as for the guy who challenged his manhood over the way he handled the aftermath of Reilly's unexpected firing, Silverman acknowledges there's some buzz on Pushing Daises, but does take a shot at Steve McPherson's beloved Cavemen, which internet blogsite Cavefamer has called "twenty-two rollicking, Cro-Magtastic minutes of laughing and thinking that will make you forget all about auto-insurance commercials!"