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Apple fanboys, apparently, do need some education. And Steve Jobs is glad to supply it. A software update has, as promised, made hacked iPhones useless — "bricked" them, in the modern parlance. Worse yet, the new software has bricked some unmodified iPhones as well. And people are outraged. These are, of course, by and large the same saps who overpaid by $200 to buy their iPhones in June. And you know what? They're getting what they deserve.

Yes, that's right, folks. I'm taking Steve Jobs's side on this one. People are buying unproven technology, and some are fiddling with it. And then they're shocked when it doesn't work? Get a Mac, people, and you'll learn that not all of Apple's software updates come out of the lab fully tested. Same thing goes for the iPhone, naturally, which runs a special version of the same buggy operating system. Yes, Apple's products are sleek and charming, but they're technology. And that means they're not perfect. If you expect perfection from a three-month-old product, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. So I'll understand if you're crestfallen. Bummed. I'll even tolerate a bout of melancholy. But outrage? Legal threats? Blustery talk of a "PR nightmare"? Save it for someone who cares. (Photoillustration by Tim Faulkner for Valleywag)