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Even though it seems like just yesterday that an L.A. judge was so flummoxed by the fact that Britney Spears and Kevin Federline insouciantly shrugged off his dramatic decree that their two children be cleaved in twain and their truncated baby-halves be shared by the ex-couple with a dismissive, "Whatever. Her moms will stitch 'em back together all new-like for us!" that he allowed their joint custody of the children to continue out of sheer frustration, Us Weekly reports that the court has now reversed course and awarded Sean Preston and their still-unnamed younger child to Federline until further notice.

Details of what triggered sole background-dancer custody haven't been revealed, so we'll just assume for now that Spears has already violated one or more of the Britney Rules laid down by the judge; perhaps she's already dropped out of her neglect-prevention classes to protest the court's insinuation that she needs eight hours of parenting lessons per week to teach her how to tell the manny what time to put the kids to bed while she's out clubbing in Hollywood.

UPDATE: Does the stunning custody news have anything to do with this footage of her kids being driven to tears by paparazzi flashbulbs as she tries to put them in her car? We have no idea! But here's the video anyway, courtesy of The Insider: