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Despite having written about it a couple of weeks ago, we continue to receive emails about that self-described "articulate and classy" young woman who put her neck out there on Craigslist, flung caution and etiquette to the wind and flat-out asked if anyone could help her nab a guy with a salary of at least a half-million a year. Okay, so Jane Austen might have been just slightly more subtle, but this (alleged!) lady's tactics have captured the interest of many, including the New York Times, which today ran a piece about the idiot i-banker whose pissy response to our little gold digger included his JPMorgan Chase signature.

"In economic terms, you are a depreciating asset and I am an earning asset," he wrote, because "your looks will fade and my money will likely continue into perpetuity." The Times asks incredulously, "Would someone with a big job at a prestigious company really have linked his name to a message that read in part: 'You're 25 now and will likely stay pretty hot for the next 5 years, but less so each year. Then the fade begins in earnest. By 35 stick a fork in you!'" Um, seriously?

We're not sure who they're hiring over at the Times these days, Pollyanna herself perhaps, but we're guessing they've never actually hung out with male i-banker types, otherwise they would know that perfecting such a fratastic attitude is practically a requirement in the employee handbook.

We do have a bone to pick with DealBreaker's John Carney, however, who told the Times he thought it unlikely the i-banker author would come forward because "In the age of ultrasensitivity to sexual harassment, people might think that this guy's response about women being depreciating assets is not exactly how they want their firm to be perceived by the public." We totally get you John, it's so annoying when women overreact to being told their looks are their only assets.