Former White House spokesbot Tony Snow will be the keynote speaker at the American Magazine Conference in Boca Raton, Florida at the end of the month. Men's Health editor David Zinczenko, the AMC 2007 chairman, is super jazzed about it. But should he be? Former keynote speakers included former President Bill Clinton, former future presidents Barack Obama and John McCain. Tony Snow was a regular guest host for the Rush Limbaugh Show and frontman for the band "Beats Workin'." He did, as Zinczenko made sure to mention, survive the cancer that God so unjustly gave him. Who else is speaking in Boca, and why?

This year's subject is Magabrands! What is a Magabrands!? Zinczenko's letter to the troops explains:

It's a magazine that's found a way to extend the power of its brand beyond the printed periodical—into realms like "old" media (books, newsstand specials, television, radio); "new" media (podcasts, webcasts, cellcasts, e-newsletters); even non-media (nightclubs, restaurants, tour operations, fashion lines, retail products, conventions, big-cause crusades, hotels and casinos).

OMG, What will the Domino Crusade Against Clutter and Muslims look like? And the Prevention Hotel and Casino? I can not wait.

A list of speakers include New York editor Adam Moss; Times guy David Carr, sure to be the most engaging speaker of the lot; John DeLucie, partner and chef of the Waverly Inn (THAT IS ODD); plastic chef Rocco DiSpirito; and Dan Rather. Also, editor and publisher of the Nation Katrina Vanden Heuvel, whose headshot is really an object lesson in how not to use the brightness/contrast tool in Photoshop. Book your tickets now at the Field and Stream Motel today!