'Transformers' Well On Its Way To Cracking The Elusive 13-Figure Mark

It's not for nothing that Transformers should boast grosses on the high-end of 12-figures, as trumpeted by a seemingly endless succession of brushed-titanium zeroes on the pages of today's Variety: The studio has master blowingshitupologist's Michael Bay's passion and perfectionism to thank for that.
To celebrate the box office milestone, all Paramount/DreamWorks employees were informed via exuberant e-mail from Brad Grey that an ice cream social "celebrating past and future blockbuster successes" would be held outside the Sherry Lansing Theater. Lucky raffle-number holders will be invited to coat their naked bodies in honey and roll around in a pile of $100 bills—a nod, or course, to their next great hope, Bee Movie—with whatever ends up sticking theirs to keep.