
Cookbook Playa Jessica Seinfeld Got No Time For 'Delicious' Hatas

seth · 11/19/07 04:15PM

In the outside chance there still exists a pocket of backwoods-dwelling clodhoppers who have yet to learn of Jessica Seinfeld's bestselling cookbook Deceptively Delicious, the wife of Bee Movie mogul Jerry Seinfeld appeared on The View today to further outline her methods of veggie-disguising culinary tricksiness.

Jerry Seinfeld Finally Takes His Animated Bees To Number One

mark · 11/12/07 12:03PM

As your Hollywood employer has probably decided that this Veterans Day doesn't warrant the show of respect of a day off (strike-related layoffs notwithstanding), celebrate the sacrifices of those who've served our country in the most meaningful way available to you: by observing a moment of silence as you review the weekend's box office numbers:

Seinfeld To Letterman: 'What's The Deal With That Crazy Woman My Wife Stole All Her Cookbook Ideas From?'

seth · 10/30/07 12:01PM

Appearing on Late Show last night to promote a small, low-profile animated movie soon to make its way into select art houses across the country, Hubbardian dabbler Jerry Seinfeld used the opportunity to try out a tight, three-minute set of new material based entirely around the everyman premise, "So a billionaire comedian's wife writes an Oprah-approved cookbook about hiding brussel sprouts in your kids' mac and cheese, and some celebrity-stalking lunatic accuses her of plagiarism, just because the book she already wrote on that topic contains 15 identical recipes!"

mark · 10/29/07 11:13AM

Having been burned countless times by the sensationalist tabloid press, Bee Movie star Renee Zellweger did her best to make sure that no baseless eating disorder rumors would distract from her latest project: "The Bridget Jones star refused to make any diva demands for food after a busy day of interviews promoting the film, instead she hunted down where a buffet was set out for journalists and filled her plate. Speaking at the film's premiere, the actress joked: 'Well the food is good in there, [journalists] always get the special food, I had to come and pick up the leftovers!'" [Breitbart]

Seinfeld's Comments On Bee-Rape Draw Fire From People-Rape Groups

mark · 06/21/07 04:51PM

When we read Jerry Seinfeld's pre-Bee Movie screening comments about the insects' "perfect society" ("Other insects are just kind of crawling around. They don't have the sophistication of the bee. They have no crime, they have no drugs, they have no rape. A little rape, but it's not that bad.") in today's Rush & Molloy column this morning, we paused, wondered if the joke might result in the kind of controversy that reliably follows any spontaneous attempt at rape-related humor, then decided that the words would probably pass unprotested, for bee-rape advocacy groups are notoriously disorganized. Unfortunately for Seinfeld, other organizations are more vigiliant. Radar collects a smattering of speedy admonishments:

Jeffrey Katzenberg's Flight Of The Bumblebee

mark · 05/18/07 11:12AM

When we first heard about Jerry Seinfeld's big Bee Movie publicity stunt at Cannes (bee costumes, wires over the beach, mobs of gasping spectators, etc etc), the whole affair seemed incredibly reckless: had a strong gust of wind or a Pixar saboteur interfered with the delicate proceedings, the world easily could have lost its finest, semi-retired observational humorist and Porsche collector. As it turns out, our fears were at least partially unnecessary, as THR notes that a far more expendable member of the Bee Movie team volunteered for zip-line-test-dummy duty to ensure the star's safety:

Seinfeld Survives 'Bee Movie' Publicity Stunt

mark · 05/17/07 11:19AM

As a follow-up to yesterday's story about how studios will spare no expense in creating Hollywood-quality promotional spectacles at Cannes, we present this photo of Bee Movie star Jerry Seinfeld, who gamely donned a bee costume, was affixed to a zip line, and then thrown off the roof of the eight-story Carlton Hotel, eventually alighting on a pier prominently displaying the movie's logo. While the stunt apparently was carried off without incident, there has to be a part of DreamWorks Animation chief Jeffrey Katzenberg that secretly, selfishly hoped the cord would snap and send Seinfeld crashing into the sea (Just enough to make a little splash. Oh, come on, don't be like that! It's not like he was going to cut the rope himself. If it happened, it happened.), creating an even more intense buzz for their upcoming film.