Ellen DeGeneres To Put 'Deal' Models In Sensible Lesbianwear

Ellen DeGeneres promises to liven up the Deal or No Deal proceedings when she makes a guest appearance on the hit NBC game show. But unlike past guests, like Donald "The Banker" Trump and Celine "Open Da Case!" Dion, the canine-regifter will join the show's Pyramid of Hot Briefcasemodels. TVGuide.com reports:
That's right: DeGeneres will be one of the 26 briefcase-toting, elegant, sparkly dress-wearing women who may or may not be holding the million-dollar bag.
Will DeGeneres really wear a dress? "Ellen knows our show and knows the kind of sparkly, sequined dresses our spokesmodels wear, and she's agreed to be [one of them]," Hansen says a bit cryptically. "Ellen won't do anything she's not comfortable with." Then again, Hansen says, "Who doesn't want to see Ellen in a dress?"
We doubt the staunch anti-frockist will conform to the show's thigh-length hem standards; instead, expect a platform adorned with some of the shapeliest velvet tuxedos gameshowdom has ever seen, followed by a torrential waterworks session, as Ellen and her model friends learn the $1 million cash prize awarded the contestant will go towards realizing a lifelong dream of opening a kill-free chicken sanctuary.