Appearing on Late Show last night to promote a small, low-profile animated movie soon to make its way into select art houses across the country, Hubbardian dabbler Jerry Seinfeld used the opportunity to try out a tight, three-minute set of new material based entirely around the everyman premise, "So a billionaire comedian's wife writes an Oprah-approved cookbook about hiding brussel sprouts in your kids' mac and cheese, and some celebrity-stalking lunatic accuses her of plagiarism, just because the book she already wrote on that topic contains 15 identical recipes!"

Despite Letterman's best, half-assed efforts at playing Seinfeld's advocate, we think his fidgety body language and involuntarily groans (particularly after the part of the bit in which Seinfeld accuses the author of being a potential serial killer) tell us everything we need to know about whose side he takes on this matter. It almost made you long for someone to change the topic to something a little less awkward, such as all the wonderful voice-work Afro-American comedian Chris Rock did in Bee Movie.