Warner Bros. Wants To Get Even Deeper Into The Tyra Banks Business

· Universal and New Line join the list of those who strenuously object to the WGA's strike rules, warning writers in their employ that complying with their union's demands to validate the scripts they're trying to turn in before tomorrow's deadline will put them in breach of contract. [Variety]
· Writers and studio executives alike have caught Script-Flipping Fever! Unfortunately, any camaraderie the two sides may now feel as they rush to finish shootable screenplays together could be slightly undermined if they're forced to start trying to kill each other on Thursday morning. [THR]
· Warner Bros. wants to deepen its already very fulfilling relationship with model/host/producer/investigative reporter Tyra Banks, signing her to a multiyear deal in which Banks' production company will do everything for the Warner corporate family short of emptying their trash cans at the end of the day. [Variety]
· ABC gives a full-season pick-up to Samantha Who? following the show's third consecutive "strong" showing. The usual caveats apply regarding the strike erasing the portion of the TV season in which those back-nine episodes would eventually air. [THR]
· The World Series sweep is great for Red Sox fans, not-so-great for Fox, who find themselves out of three games' worth of ad money. [Variety]