The saga of the happy cat camp at JFK airport has become even more grim today. A memo from Port Authority General Manager Susan Baer reveals just how far the Authority is willing to go to feed their sick blood lust. Airport employees have been ordered not to feed the cats under penalty of confiscation of their airport identification, thus possibly costing them their jobs. If they can't round up and gas the cats they will starve them all.

Thankfully our tireless efforts at calling attention to the plight of JFK's feral cat village has landed us on the Neighborhood Cats mailing list, and we learned today that some of the cats have been saved! "Thanks to the heroic efforts of NYC Feral Cat Initiative staff, the cooperation and veterinary care provided by Animal Care and Control of NYC, and caring volunteers, the first ten cats caught in the Port Authority's purge were pulled alive from the shelter." Heroes pull cats from deadly shelter! Exciting!

Cat group infighting prevented the kitty kolony from being controlled via "trap, neuter, release" action upon its discovery in 2004, when the Port Authority was a little more receptive to the idea. But what can you do to help now? Not much! It's the Port Authority, they answer to no man. Call Eliot Spitzer! Or make sure to fly out of LaGuardia when you attend the November 10 National Feral Cat Summit 2007 in Orlando Florida!

Missed Opportunity on Airport Cats in 2004 [NYT City Room]