We've already received some comments expressing shock at Quentin Tarantino's less-than-tidy appearance at this morning's Golden Globes announcement ceremony (please believe us when we say the photo we selected for our earlier post is among the more flattering ones on the wire), a distressing combination of uncombed hair and decidedly casual, girth-obscuring shirt that momentarily distracted us from the names of the fine films he showed up to celebrate.

But judge for yourselves based on the above video from the press conference: Was the unkempt Tarantino boldly demonstrating to Hollywood that he'll participate in their second-tier orgy of self-congratulation, but only on his own terms? Or did he merely fall asleep in the Pussy Wagon waiting for the crack-of-dawn event to begin, awakening mere moments before he was to appear on camera, leaving him no time for some last-second grooming?