"The Average 'Price' That Men And Women Demand To Marry For Money These Days Is $1.5 Million"

"I'm a little shocked at the numbers," said sociologist Pamela Smock of the results of a recent survey of 1,134 median-income Americans, among whom "two-thirds of women and half of the men said they were 'very' or 'extremely' willing to marry for money." Mmm? "It's kind of against the notion of love and soul mates and the main motivations to marry in our culture." Oh, those are the main motivations to marry in our culture? We had gotten the impression that televised rose ceremonies, Jumbotron engagements, and fancy gift registries were the main motivations! But whatever, it is kind of sweet that someone is still surprised that most people would enter into contractual prostitution for less than the asking price of a one-bedroom luxury condo in Greenpoint. Money changes everything, Pamela!