Breaking! Johnny Depp Repeats As Hollywood's Best Autographer Signer! Also: Will Ferrell Sick Of Sharpie Charade

Autograph magazine, which actually exists, has just released their annual ranking of the best and worst in celebrity acquiesence to demands to scribble on a napkin outside of a Starbucks bathroom. Topping the list is Johnny Depp, whom, should he ever win the Best Actor Oscar, will have both the most and least prestigious accolades this industry has to offer under his belt:
"It's the third consecutive year Depp has topped the list of the 10 best signers. Whether at a premier, in a restaurant or on location, Depp may just be the best Hollywood autograph signer of all time," Steve Cyrkin, the magazine's editor and publisher, said in a statement.
No award ceremony was held, which is really weird, because the Golden Globes manage to get on TV.
Least amenable scribbler? Shocker: Will Ferrell.
"What's so frustrating about Will Ferrell being the worst autograph signer this past year is that he used to be so nice to fans and collectors, and a great signer. What makes him so bad is that he'll taunt people asking for his autograph."
"Taunt" them? Does this mean he points and says, "Nyah nyah, you actually want the autograph of the star of Bewitched, The Producers, Kicking and Screaming and Melinda and Melinda?" Or does he simply lean in to sign and then pretend to drop the pen like fifty times in a row? Julie Andrews came in at #7. God bless, you woman. Your fans really are that annoying.