Some Hipster In Australia Threw A Party. Here's Why It's World News.

By "world news" I mean "the current favorite video being passed around online." And by that I don't even mean it's the most-watched video of the week, but that this video of an unapologetic Australian hipster ruffian is being passed around every pass-stuff-around site until it seems it's taken over the Internet. Below, a summary of the video and a timeline of how it spread (and of course the video itself).
Executive summary: Australian kid threw a party in Melbourne while his parents were gone; 500 kids showed up and terrorized the neighbors; an anchorwoman asks him to remove his big plastic sunglasses and apologize on TV; the kid, wearing an open fur-lined jacket that reveals his pierced nipples, says he'll apologize but he won't remove his sunglasses because "they're famous." The news anchor gapes in disbelief but continues goading him; the boy will have none of it and thereby becomes a hero to casually-but-ironically-rebellious teens everywhere.
Times below are wildly inaccurate because the Internet doesn't do time zones well.
January 13, 2:00 PM Australian Eastern Daylight Time: MSN Australia posts video and an article about Corey Delaney, a fifteen (sixteen?)-year-old boy who threw a wild party the night before, bringing out the local cops, who were "pelted with bottles"
January 13, 6:46 AM U.S. Eastern:, purveyor of non-news, catches the story from MSN. The famous TV interview isn't yet online.
January 14, 2:59 PM: User "HokkieVrokkie" posts the video, apparently grabbed from local TV news, on
January 14, noonish: Someone posts it to YouTube, where the video will probably catch on later this week.
January 14, 4 PM: Someone submits the story to Digg, the social news site where many of these videos go mainstream.
January 14, 6 PM: The story hits Digg's front page, a feat that often brings over 100 thousand visitors to a story.
January 14, 6:36 PM: Radar has it. By this time I saw it and really should have posted it to Gawker; those of you who expected to see it here by then, feel free to tip nick at toomuchnick dot com next time.
January 14, 8:26 AM PST: The AP picks up the story of the $18,000 fine levied against Corey and his parents.
January 15: Opie and Anthony interview a [fake] bizarrely sober Corey on their morning show:
January 15, 1:22 PM: Best Week Ever posts the video, completing the fad's crossover to pop culture ensuring (hopefully) that "Your sunglasses are famous" will become the next "Don't tase me, bro!"
January 16, early morning: The video hits one million views on
I should probably babble about how this video became popular because Corey represents the modern fame-seeking do-nothing in opposition to an appalled older generation, but that's bull. Corey just said the perfect unexpected lines and broke the assumptions of how people behave in a post-public-disorder news interview. "My glasses are famous" does have a self-fulfilling ring to it, but it's also just a fantastic non sequitur on the level of "I like turtles."
Okay, maybe there's a common thread between this and the glorification of the guys arrested in Boston for planting Aqua Teen Hunger Force Lite-Brites that supposedly looked like bombs. Corey has made his apologies in person and refuses to play the media game, and for that we love him. But he's also a prick, and for the resulting titillating cognitive dissonance, we love him more.
BREAKING UPDATE: January 16: Busted Tees releases a shirt, "I'll say sorry but I'm not taking off my glasses," which will by definition only be worn by the frat boys who beat kids like Corey up in elementary school.