The Internet has a successor to the classic Fensler Film G.I. Joe parodies. "Fatal Farm," creators of the series of remixed TV theme videos that got kinda popular last year, have finally produced a winner. It's Lasagna Cat, a series of live reenactments of Garfield cartoon strips with canned laughter followed by head-throbbing dance videos. The whole thing feels like it's out of Mr. Mike's Mondo Video (or the last act of "Shrooms"), and I just wanted you to be among the first to see it before it takes the Internet by storm. Well, the part of the Internet not already watching Tom Cruise and the kid whose glasses are famous. In fact I'll make a bet.

If this set of videos isn't all over Digg, blogs, and e-mail forwards for the rest of the week, I'll let commenter Conbon dedicate a Gawker post to whatever he wants, even if it's a thorough evisceration of me, his least-favorite blogger.

They manage to make the ending shot of Jim Davis's face surprise me every time. And that's why it's the new G.I. Joe.