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Branding experts know that getting the right celebrity to wear a client's clothes at the right time can be worth millions in free publicity. Emphasis on the right celebrity and the right time. An example of the wrong celebrity at the wrong time would be Mary-Kate Olsen, and right now.

Yesterday, INHABIT Sweaters' PR firm blasted out an email with pictures of the wee disaster wearing one of the company's scarves as she traipsed around Sundance. What INHABIT wants is a famous person who embodies their own preferred values: Stylish and edgy, but comfortable and respectable. What they got is a celebrity who embodies anorexia and sudden, tragic death. See the difference there?

A brand better suited for an MKO endorsement: Virginia Slims.

(Also, INHABIT brags that Tom Cruise is one of their "devout following." Heh.)