How To Make A Diggable Headline

Simple: Use the headline your editor rejected to promote your story on the mob-run news dump. That's how Wired News writer (and Gawker Media alum) Megan McCarthy turned her story "Company Going After Yahoo Employees — in the Restroom" into " Company looks for quitter in the shitter." As more publications make online reporters earn pageviews, we've all got to learn how to play dirty. Also remember these three rules for Digg headlines:
- Max out keywords, but still make a readable phrase.
- Be specific. No one clicks on "A story about a man that you won't believe," unless you miraculously make it to the front page. It's a gamble.
- "AMAZING" is the "A+++ WOULD BUY AGAIN" of Digg. It's stupid and gets complaints, but it works. What you lose in dignity, you will recover with pageviews.
Gold star for anyone who converts this week's New Yorker into Diggable headlines.