Courtney Love Will Drunk Blog You

Courtney Love is the same as the rest of us. Much like you and I (or maybe just me), the addled and insane singer/songwriter (and better singer/songwriter marry-er) sometimes gets trashed and goes on the internet and writes embarrassing things. Her medium of choice seems to be her MySpace blog (Why must celebrities have blogs?) Last week she posted an angry rant directed at a person who had published Courtney's friend's phone number, saying it was the rock star's. Now the friend is getting tons of calls and Courtney is just fed fucking up with it. The most wonderfully inscrutable and bloggy detail I could glean from it is that she doesn't actually do anything for the site, but still loves MySpace very much: " takes about 8 people to run this site for some reason and tho i do read the comments i dontrtend to write lengthy letters back personally although occasionally i wrote a friend or somneone i like or post at someones space b ut not too often, trhats just how these my spaces work- so dont go offended - i love this my space and i dont need this karma wierdness- get off my cloud." Everyone's always on my damn cloud, too, Courtney. [ohnotheydidn't] Full text fter the jump, plus the wonderful, classic video of Courtney Love harassing Kurt Loder and Madonna at the VMAs.
"someone posted a friend of mines phone number and says its mine this jackass Karmi, on a website that is coming down but frankly i have waaay more relevanat things to do than worry about a website with insanely inflated viewing numbers some tiny clusterfuck of annoyance that i only ever rememeber when i ( rarely ) go on the internet as i am making music films and raising a child conducting my life getting laid and tivoing suze orman- so wtf? STOP CAllING MY FRIEND KATHERINE, SHE HAS THREE KIDS AND HAS NO TIM E FOR INTERNET BULLSHIT- SHE SPOKE TO SOMEONE AS ME TO PROTECT ME OUT OF SHEER CURIOUSITY TO SUSS OUT THE PERSONS VIBE AND SAQID HE W2AS A TOTAL SOCIOPATH LOSER AND NOW SHE HAS TOC HANGE HER NUMBER AS THIS RETARD POSTED IT as if ID ac=tually speak to Karmi personally! PUHLEASE ( aka chris) i never ever ever speak tp [people off the internet myself i have people who do that for me, and she also has a husband and thank god this is her secondary phone as shes basically thrown it away- and i will make sure i get the lawyeres whow eresorty of moseying to hurry and take thaT fucking site down as the webmaster ( trannie named brooke) lied at the icann hearing and now irt has to get dponw throughthe federal squatters law theres just been more important things but seriously this is stupid , obviously none of you here have engaged in terrorising Katherine or her kids with stupid phoners about we cante evr figur eout what- just "oooheee i have a famous persons phon e number and im in bumfuck Maryland" its just stupid obscene and RUDE, remember m,anners are free. youve fucked someones secondary cell up but it aint mine but its still insane and rude and Chris whoever the fuck you are i dont write back on this site personally so whoeevr was on shift was obviouswly fucking with you it takes about 8 people to run this site for some reason and tho i do read the comments i dontrtend to write lengthy letters back personally although occasionally i wrote a friend or somneone i like or post at someones space b ut not too often, trhats just how these my spaces work- so dont go offended - i love this my space and i dont need this karma wierdness- get off my cloud.
Karmi + CHRIS your just creepy, leave me alone leave my friends alone and go post with your people. until they get kicked off the net.
as fro ou guys here i love you and support all our efforts to im prove our lives an d i welcome all the new people here and its really awesone that id ont have to use one of those computer programs id die of embarsssment to add a million friends - i dunno i just think thats retarted id rather have it happen slow and organically so we can all getto know one another
loadswof love and be nice or leave
nam myoho renge kyo