You Are Invited To Karaoke With Flacks

In what could accurately be described as a gross perversion of natural law, a PR firm is attempting to hold a cutesy karaoke mixer party entitled "Flacks, Hacks, and Friends." This phrase makes no sense. Hacks are certainly not friends with flacks, on general principle. Most hacks aren't popular or social enough to have friends at all, so I don't know what the extra "and Friends" is for. Also: karaoke, really? Red Branch PR wants to "put aside all the ruckus for an evening of harmony, or lack thereof." So feel free to go and start a bar fight. Full invitation—for YOU—below.
Flacks, Hacks, & Friends Karaoke Hosted by Red Branch PR
Flacks, Hacks, and Friends Round One:
Because singing and drinking makes everything better on both sides of
the fence.The deadlines, the pitching, and the drone of pre-spring has us
itching to shake things up in the media and PR world. That said, we
would like to cordially invite you to join us for our first installation
of Flacks, Hacks, and Friends at Winnie's Bar on Thursday, March 6th @
8pm as we join the Karaoke regulars and put aside all the ruckus for an
evening of harmony, or lack thereof.
Flacks and HacksFeel free to bring friends or co-workers or potential crooners off the
street if you're scared to come alone. Remember that just as singers are
essential, so are enthusiastic observers so no pressure to go "American
Idol" if you're a shy gal or guy. Start brainstorming your song line-up
and we look forward to seeing you next week!Cheers,
The Red Branch Team
*Event Info*
104 Bayard St near Baxter
Thursday March 6th