Missing: One Celebrity Belly Button And One Sense Of Inhibition

It's no longer shocking to see a celebrity waltzing around the beach post-op (Courtney Love, anyone?) but, thankfully, most celebs remember to remove their bandages before donning their itsy bitsys. But what if said bandages are there for life? And in the form of their own flesh? Well, if they belong to surgery-happy Patricia Heaton, we will all have the pleasure of viewing them! In light of recent photos showing Ray Romano's television wife in her bikini and missing one bellybutton, the Huffington Post dug up some slightly unreadable details on the magically disappearing must-have and the revelations, like the photos, are not pretty:
"My belly button was herniated. Then there was that skin that hung there. It didn't work to suck it in. It wouldn't have mattered if I had done 1,000 sit-ups. "
More pictures, if you dare, after the jump.

Even after happily displaying her lack of a tickle-inducing button the way Kyle XY glides through life missing the capacity for joy, Heaton still speaks highly of her surgical usurping, writing "I would recommend it to anyone," regarding her tummy tuck. Just one thing we'd like to add to Patty's go-for-it gusto: make sure you have other areas of your body in which to store lint before pressing forward. That is all.