Terror At Kate's Place! The Amazing True Story of the Film Student Snipers

How much chaos can two knucklehead filmmaking students (can anyone confirm NYU? It's a hunch we have.) cause on a quiet Tuesday afternoon? Plenty if they're on top of Kate Hudson's house with "sniper rifles" for some reason! Police helicopters hovered over King and Varick in the Village and terrified office-workers emailed us. Even after Us Weekly reported the arrest of these three idiotic future Uwe Bolls your tales of bravery continued to roll in. Like this one, from an architecture firm, with a subject line simply reading "BEWARE":

Oh no!! This was more than a half-hour after the cops took care of it, but still. Guanabee reports:
The young men had no idea what they were getting into when police stormed the area looking for them after a 911 call was placed by a woman located at 37 King Street. A reporter from Guanabee heard her tell an officer at the scene that she saw the boys through her window playing with the rifle and that one of them 'looked directly at her and smiled.'
See, it sounds idiotic, but you have to remember: white kids are not really clear on the idea that they, too, can be seen as threats and even arrested.
Exclusive Pictures From The Kate Hudson King Street "Shooting" [Guanabee]