Michael Bay Wonders How We Can Sex-Up A Basically Solid 'Rosemary's Baby' Premise

· Hollywood Out of Ideas: Michael Bay Instigating Another Completely Unnecessary Horror-Classic Remake Edition. After the announced despoiling of A Nightmare on Elm Street by his Platinum Dunes "horror shingle," the director is in talks to produce a remake of Rosemary's Baby for Paramount. Look for Megan Fox to star as the totally babealicious swimsuit model knocked up by Shia LaSatan. [THR]
· An historic SAG/AFTRA Accord has been reached in order to present a united front in the upcoming negotiations for a feature-primetime contract. (Does that include primetime-features? We don't know, but we imagine it does!) It all went down in Peter Chenin's office, but fellow Mt. Mogulmore models Robert Iger and Les Moonves couldn't make it, for out-of-town and lunch-eating reasons, respectively. [Variety]
· Ugly Betty showrunner Silvio Horta has signed a two-year, mid-seven-figure pact with ABC Studios to continue his Betty duties, and develop other series for the studio. [Variety]
· Finicky Hulk Edward Norton and highly blogpinionated Endeavor head Ari Emanuel are shopping around a documentary about Barack Obama's presidential bid. Some studios have expressed interest, so long as it's on a "happy-ending-contingent basis...And we think you know what we mean...Wink, wink..." [Variety]
· The Tribeca Film Festival, beginning April 23, has announced this year's lineup, a much leaner program than last year's overstuffed affair. While Baby Mama will open the festival, it's Melvin Van Peeble's Confessions of an Ex-DoofusItchyFooted Mutha that has us most intrigued, if we're basing our interest on title alone. [Variety]