Breakthrough Website Gives Women Cute Guy Info has finally launched! If you have an exceedingly good memory, you'll recall it as the purportedly smart and fun love and sex site for women we previewed for you a month ago, which seeks to sneakily promote "Sex and the City" through dog sex. It seems that they've edited out most of the dog sex, unfortunately, and they no longer want to "bone Barack Obama"—a political shift. So how to put the actual live content into words? How about.... "SexyFashionGuysCuteSoooooooooAnnoying!"
As a non-female, non-SATC-watching, needlessly angry crank, I may not fall within the target audience for The Frisky. But is this really necessary?
Chances are (unless you're a character in a Sandra Bullock movie), most of your day-to-day thoughts about love and sex revolve around pop culture ("Britney Spears tends to a shrine of Justin Timberlake? What?!"), health ("Is the HPV vaccine right for me?"), politics ("Are all powerful men total horn dogs?"), fashion ("Do sexy, comfortable shoes actually exist?"), dating ("He took me to the pharmacy to pick up his Propecia prescription!"), and travel ("How do you say 'to the left' in Italian?"). That's why The Frisky tackles all of these facets of life, but with a sexy, carefree, and most of all, relatable twist.
Incredible: until now, there has not been one single site on the internet that women who like Britney Spears, shoes, sex, and sex can relate to! So what kind of breakthrough content is The Frisky rolling out to satisfy the legions of curious women out there? Hey, it's a slideshow of "Cute & Funny Guys!" To be one of the ten cute and funny guys in America, you must be white, famous, beloved of hipster girls, and master of the smug look. Servicey!
Elsewhere, The Frisky teaches women about the sex. Most useful is this clip, where they ask random people on the street how many times a week couples should have sex. To a person, they all look confused about what is going on. Best part is near the end, when the woman somberly explains, "It's totally inappropriate for me to judge what some other couples should be doing in that regard." Thanks!