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Remember when A.C. Slater used to strut around The Max in his orange short shorts and sweat-drenched wrestling muscle tees? All while dousing the rest of the cast with the greasy goo dangling from his curly mullet? And how much it kinda grossed you out to the point where you decided from then on you would never, under any circumstances, be attracted to dimpled, mullet-wearing wrestlers? Well, Defamer would like to officially announce that things have changed. Mario Lopez is no longer a bicycle-pants wearing meathead, he's a bonafide contestant for Best Male Body In The Universe. And he's got a new workout book to prove it! But we decided to go ahead and compare the original AC to the new and improved Mario, just to clarify exactly how far he's come. The before and afters, in all their muscly glory, after the jump:

Here's a couple of photos of AC on SBTB, from his curiously tan appearance at a wrestling match to a promo photo taken with Zach Morris (sorry Mark Paul, but we had to crop you out).

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And here are more recent candids of actor/Dancing With The Stars contestant/former Animal Channel host Mario Lopez:

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Though this particular Defamer editor is of the female persuasion, we may just have to pre-order that tome from Amazon ASAP, if only for the pictures. Oh, by the way, if someone had informed our 14-year old self that we'd one day be lusting after Slater (of all people!), we would have laughed our tweenyboppin' ass off.