When it comes to celebrity endorsements, Harrison Ford isn't exactly known for splashing his chiseled face across billboards shilling for shower gels and cell phones (Japanese beer, as you'll see after the jump, is whole 'nother story). But according to Mediabistro, Ford recently agreed to partner with powerhouse advertising agency BBDO to develop a series of environmentally angled ads. And, apparently, Ford's developed a case of the Nortons:

"He's finicky about scripts, mainly because he's so concerned about his voice and face being attached to the project...He's apparently so finicky that his demanded changes completely decimated a scheduled shoot in Latin America to get the campaign rolling."

This ad that Harrison shot for Kirin Beer sometime in the early `90s is the most disturbing celebrity endorsement we've seen since Diddy proclaimed his love for Proactiv. And after watching this monstrosity, we're left even more puzzled as to why Ford would give this oddball the thumbs-up but is fighting with the well-respected creative house BBDO over a series of spots to promote the least controversial cause of the moment. Sounds to us like ole Harrison might need some more green before he goes green.