The 31 Most Powerful Promo Seconds You'll See This Afternoon: Gizmodo: The Gadget Testers, The Commercial
Rich Juzwiak · 03/18/13 01:45PM
Tech makes you giddy. Tech makes you fly. Tech makes you sumo wrestle. These are just a few of the things I learned in the whiplash-inducing commercial for the BBC America show Gizmodo: The Gadget Testers, which premieres tonight. (Full disclosure: Gizmodo is owned by Gawker Media and that is 100 percent of the reason why I am reviewing a commercial.) Apparently featuring at least one person (Joel Johnson) that I hear I work within feet of but cannot be sure of because there are too many crappy TV shows to watch and Mariah Carey gifs to make for me to swivel around and survey the Gizmodo area of the Gawker office, Gizmodo: The Gadget Testers none the less seems like it's full of swell, fun-loving people whose gizmos make them say, "Yeah!" "Whoo!" and "Holy crap!" Spoiler alert: It's pretty clear that the gizmos passed their tests. It's pretty clear that the show does, too: The breathlessly frenetic 31 seconds of this ad spot just fly by. It's an exquisitely paced commercial.
The Calorie-Burning Underwear of Japan
Maureen O'Connor · 11/14/11 02:22PM
Today's entry in the mesmerizing Asian infomercial arms race: Calorie Shaper, a special Japanese underwear built with a "honeycomb spring" that supposedly helps the wearer burn calories while performing everyday tasks, like walking to the bus stop and performing choreographed dance routines in the office.
Justin Bieber Gets Googled
Adrian Chen · 06/30/11 02:02PMThe Tortured Tale of How a YouTube Uploader Lost His Mind
Noah Garfinkel · 05/17/11 05:41PMIn May of 2008, a man by the username of Leftventricle did a rather noble thing. He uploaded a video of an old but memorable commercial to YouTube. The commercial was the first in the series that would become the long running "Got Milk?" campaign. It was the one with the guy in the museum who fails to win $10,000 on a radio trivia contest because he lacked the proper amount of milk to wash out from his mouth the peanut butter sandwich he had been so enthusiastically eating. You remember it...
Shop Celebrates Martin Luther King Day with Sale on Black Products
Max Read · 01/18/11 02:18AMWatch Julia Roberts Make $1.5 Million Without Saying a Word
Max Read · 11/30/10 08:33PMHow Did Ad Agencies Approach Their Work in 1965?
Christopher Han · 11/15/10 11:45AMMeet the Cliche family. This is how you depict mom, dad, son, and daughter in commercials. Hard sells, soft sells, and all different techniques are covered in this short film. It was first put together as an in-house joke!
Advertisers Not Cool With Perez Hilton's Miley Cyrus Upskirt Pics
Adrian Chen · 06/16/10 09:57PMCan Zach Galifanakis Make Saturday Night Live Funny Again?
Mike Byhoff · 03/03/10 03:51PMThe Food Lift is a Product That Might as Well Exist
Mike Byhoff · 03/03/10 11:10AMHow has America made such big strides in science, technology, and medicine, but Americans still face the burden of eating with their hands? We put a man on the moon, but we still have to use a fork!? No more!
Fake Or Not, The View's Staff Do Not Know How To Throw A Party
Adrian Muniz · 02/08/10 01:42PMAn Evil Demon Sheep is Running For Senate in California
Mike Byhoff · 02/04/10 03:04PMAt least that's what I think is going on in this video? A sheep with laser-eyes is running around, gunning down other sheep in order to win the California Republican primary on the platform to end California's sheep infestations. Right?
A Charlie Brown Chili
Daniel Barnum-Swett · 01/05/10 05:00PMThough an American institution, the Peanuts crew is not exempt from inexplicable appearances in Japanese advertising. Here, Snoopy and the gang's girls hawk hot pepper sauce with a song catchier than anything Schroeder ever played.
Roadkill's Financial Revenge
Daniel Barnum-Swett · 12/28/09 04:30PMNew York City personal injury firm, Greenstein & Millbauer, attempts low-budget advertising recognition, substituting a well-known spokes-gecko for a poorly rendered and clumsily oblivious squirrel. If you or a loved squirrel has been injured in an accident, call today.
Fish Eggs: Worse than a Lump of Coal?
Daniel Barnum-Swett · 12/22/09 04:30PMCommercials for Tarako, a roe product marketed with marching kewpie dolls and children's choirs, are always strange, in keeping with Japanese advertisement standards. In the full-length Christmas ad, children chant incessantly while visions of fish eggs dance on their heads.
Products We Can Get Behind: The Micro S'More
Whitney Jefferson · 12/16/09 04:06PMHey, lazy Americans! No fireplace nearby? Layer up your Micro S'More contraption, pop it in the microwave for 10 seconds and bam! S'More Heaven. This product gets points for efficiency but loses them for this overly cheesy commercial.
Toyota Yaris is One Gigantic Sex Beast
Mike Byhoff · 12/16/09 09:40AMPlague Of Polar Bears Falling From The Sky Way Worse Than Frogs
Mike Byhoff · 11/23/09 12:45PMToday's forecast: overcast with a 100% chance of polar bear. Hope you brought your umbrella!