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There's some good news and bad news to report regarding Juno Lynn Spears' wedding plans and, in standard fashion, we'll present the bad news first: Jamie Lynn will apparently not be getting hitched, nor moving back to, LA. Sorry to disappoint any of you who adore the sounds of helicopters circling 'round and 'round your neighborhood daily, or the great fun of late-night gurney trips the young mother will no doubt be taking over the next few years. The good news? Jamie Lynn's gonna look hot in her wedding dress! More details on what her trailertastic plan is to ensure she looks "beautiful" walking down the aisle after the jump.

As MSNBC reports via OK!, Jamie Lynn is gonna be a single mom for a while, having decided to wait until after she gives birth and sheds the preggers weight before tying the knot. As the magazine's source says, "I expect she'll want to wait at least several months to get her figure back so she can wear a beautiful wedding gown and then have her dream wedding." What else will that "dream wedding" include? Big sis Britney as bridesmaid. We just hope she remembers to show up sober (and sans donning ripped denim) for this one.

[Photo Credit: X17]