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Even though she's only 28 and has already spawned one mini-me, Kate Hudson has baby fever. In an interview with London's Sunday Times, the smiley actress unloaded some very Cameron Diaz-esque baggage, including the fact that she's oh-so-ready to get knocked up as soon as possible. And apparently, Hudson has figured out the elusive secret to determining whether a potential suitor is a "man" or a "boy." But when it comes to dating, Hudson just needs a pretty pair of lips:

"I need to find that 18-year-old in me again, who was way more adventurous when it came to kissing boys...I would love nothing more than to have a good, honest make out sesh."

How Owen made the cut, and which Brit actor may be competition after the jump.

After being asked if any English actors had caught her eye recently, Hudson responded by saying, "I was just having a discussion with somebody about that boy in Control [Sam Riley]. He's very cute." And it's true, he sort of is, but with his cropped hair and clean-cut face, Riley looks nothing like her hippie-ish ex-husband Chris Robinson or surfer boy Owen Wilson. But looks aside, Hudson assures us that "any guy I ever meet is always going to come second to my get to weed out the boys from the men. You definitely know which ones are the boys." Which means Wilson, with his rehab stint and rumored on-set flirting with other baby-hungry actresses, has somehow made the cut. Apparently, boys can still be men even after participating in a one-on-one skinny dip session with apple-bottomed Woody Harrelson.

[Photo credit: Getty]