Reality TV Casting Call Seeks O.R. Newbies For 'Virgin-Surgeon Island'

Just when we started to truly believe that every reality TV idea had already been plundered, comes a Craigslist casting opportunity featuring one of the more fertile premises we've yet heard: It's a show devoted to capturing all the thrilling highs and the "Oops! But I'm almost positive you said it was the left knee that was giving you trouble" lows of a surgeon's first time.
Looking for SURGEON perf 1st surgery of kind or VERY FIRST SURGERY (Los Angeles)
Production Company in Los Angeles is working on a pilot reel for a television series for a major cable network.
We are looking for SURGEONS who will be performing the VERY FIRST SURGERY of its kind or his/her VERY FIRST SURGERY. You must be located in southern California. If this is you, please e-mail us your contact number and the best time to call you.
We are under a tight deadline, so if you are interested and met the above qualifications we need your submissions ASAP!
Virgin-Surgeon Island provides virtually limitless potential for steamy hookups, dramatic conflict, and nail-biting invasive medical procedures, as a dozen telegenic med school grads find themselves sequestered on a remote, tropical locale. There they'll be forced to compete in a series of increasingly demanding tasks—-from the Body-Shot Suturing Challenge, to the 3M Angioplasty-Off and Celebrity Liver-Transplant Finale—using nothing but their textbooks and keen wits to guide them.