Shia LaBeouf Enlists Mom To Help With The Jerks At The LAX

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull star Shia LaBeouf brought along his mom to help in check in at LAX over the weekend. LaBeouf's mother was a bit apprehensive about letting her son travel to New York City all by himself, so she accompanied to the airport, making sure that his trip got off to the right star. LaBeouf's mother said, "It's just so hard for me to let my little man go and become an adult. It's hard enough that I have to share him with the rest of the world." Before heading off to the security check point, Mrs. LaBeouf asked if her son could hand over any cigarettes may be tempted to smoke while waiting for his flight, adding "We don't need any more bench warrants just because you have another Even Stevens induced nic fit."