Last night brought us the always anticipated The Bachelor reunion show, and while it didn't come close to reaching the dramatic heights of last season's stunning confrontation between hunky-faced Brad Womack and the shunted women he so callously tossed aside like used bedside facial tissue, it did feature some satisfying moments. Absent from the proceedings was finalist Shayne Lamas, scion of the Lamas Family Acting Dynasty, who, despite what her father might tell you, is truly, madly, deeply in love with What's-His-Face from London Town.

Instead, we were treated to a too-long-overdue reunion with Stacey—the Bachelors in Nutrition-holding embodiment of our wildest drunken-reality-TV-slut fantasies—who came bearing yet another non-virginal sacrificial offering of panties for the man who got away. (They were instantly placed by a stagehand into a biohazard refuse container with a pair a salad tongs. Those too were promptly discarded.) But for your clip-viewing enjoyment, we've included the inevitable (even her own mother called this moment) montage of Amanda, cursed with a rare hiccup condition that transforms the contestant into a knockout version of The Muppets' Beaker whenever nerves get the better of her. Enjoy.