Common Represents Lincoln's Brand Truths

Conscious intellectual hip hop star Common has announced the winner of his big "Lincoln Spotlight" lyricist competition with Lincoln—the car manufacturer that represents hip hop culture. The winner wrote a song based on "Lincoln's brand truths: advancing the American dream, exploring what it means to reach higher, daring to do more and taking pride in one's history." That is so exactly Lincoln. And hey, just last week Common landed a role in the next Terminator movie! My irrational haterade judgment of him as a tool continues to be confirmed and re-confirmed. For those of you curious about what it takes to succeed in hip hop in 2008, the lyrics of the winning Lincoln Spotlight entry are after the jump. Feel the brand truths:
Lyrics by Lincoln Spotlight Winner Jael Gadsen, Copywritten 2008
Song Title: Your Season
Verse 1
Have you ever heard a voice in your head?
It's the voice of your heart telling you
"That you have a higher purpose,
Don't let your life be worthless,
Come on you deserve this!"Some say that your dreams can't come true
They laugh and they call you a fool
And then you get discouraged
And try to find excuses of why you can't do this!Oh! You gotta reach for your dreams and you'll see!
That everything you need is within your reach!
Your purpose will take you where you need to be!
Listen to your heart and believe.Verse 2
You decide to give your dreams a try
Deep inside you know it feels right
Then you start to make some headway!
Then all of a sudden road blocks
Keep landing in your pathway!People talking, money short and, time is wasting, keep the pace man
Cause you gotta be head strong, keep on pushing on
Cause you're a fighter!
Keep reaching higher!Oh! You gotta reach for your dreams and you'll see!
That everything you need is within your reach!
Your purpose will take you where you need to be!
Listen to your heart and believe.Keep reaching higher and higher
Don't ignore your desires
You feel this way for a reason
Soon it'll be your SEASON!Oh-oh-oh!
Listen to your Heart! Oh Oh oh! Within your reach! Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!Oh you! Keep reaching higher and higher. Oh you! Keep reaching Higher!