Hollywood stars gathered (electronically) in Times Square Tuesday to celebrate the 60th birthday of one of their dearest friends—the nation of Israel! Celebrities from Ben Stiller to Billy Crystal (and some gentiles!) appeared on two huge screens delivering their best birthday wishes for the little nation that could. You'll never guess who was behind the surprise outpouring of goodwill: "Francine Raubvogel, Chief of Staff at the Israeli Consulate, spearheaded the project with Nancy Spielberg, sister of director Steven Spielberg." Also there are banners, and a parade! The banners feature Israeli citizens with flags both from their county and ours. Our nations are inseparable! BFFs! Next month, all the Muslims in Hollywood will throw their own celebration, with Omar Sharif sending a telegram that will be read aloud on public access television. [JPost via Heeb]