Wash Me

Baby Mama star Dax Shepard and gal pal Kristen Bell did all that was humanly possible to avoid being photographed in a dirty car while out to dinner in the Los Feliz area. According to spies at the restaurant, Shepard talked endlessly about how he should've gotten a car wash earlier in the afternoon or about how he should've parked his car in a covered garage before going away for a few weeks. Bell assured her boyfriend that it was okay; she calmly rationalized the situation by explaining that, first of all, it never rains in May in Southern California. Secondly, everybody else's car probably looks dirty, too. However, Bell's pep talk was quickly forgotten when she left the restaurant and realized that the car was way dirtier than she remembered. Adding insult to injury, the duo was unable to successfully petition the paparazzi not to take their picture, and observers remarked that they're likely end up in the "Celebrities, They're Just Like Us ... Only Dirtier!" section of this week's US Weekly .