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Entourage star Jeremy Piven was all smiles as he was seen exiting a Los Angeles area Coffee Bean. When asked by photographers about his mile long smile, Piven said, "I finally got her number." Then Piven went into great detail about how he had been coming to this particular location for nearly three months straight in an attempt to woo one of the store's employees. The extent of his obsession resulted in his doctor ordering to caffeine and sugar from his diet, but Piven insisted that he wouldn't give up on coffee because he had to get this girl to go out with him. Piven said, "I think part of the attraction for me was the fact that she didn't want anything to do with me. I mean, the past couple of years, it's been like shooting fish in a barrel. But now, having a challenge took me back to the days of when I picking up John Cusack's leftovers and having to be charming... I'll probably text her in a couple of days. Wait the standard amount of days, but I have a good feeling about this one." After Piven left, the paparazzi approached the The Coffee Bean Girl in an attempt to find out if it was, truly, love at first sight. She said, " I didn't know who he was. I don't have HBO or cable, but [co-worker] Kristy was all like, 'Dude, he's so famous. You could be on Pink Is The New Blog if you go out with him.' So Jeremy or, as we like to call him, 'Mr. Large Hazelnut,' just got me on the right day. I hope we go to Teddy's, but not Hyde, cause that's just a block away."

[Photo Credit: Bauer-Griffin]