I'm Just So Busy These Days. What I Really Need Is A Vacation

I Know Who Killed Me star Lindsay Lohan attempted to have a relaxing Sunday afternoon poolside at the Roosevelt Hotel but found herself consistently interrupted. If it wasn't emotional friend Samantha Ronson blowin' up her Blackberry, it was Lohan's hanger-ons asking to borrow her room key so they to get their other friends into the exclusive hotel pool area. Lohan appeared to be frustrated by the behavior of friends and told him that she wanted to be a happy spot before she starts work. Lohan was overheard to have said, "Let me mellow out for a minute, okay? If this movie doesn't go well, then I don't know where the next one is going to come from and I don't know how I'm going to pay for everybody to hang out all day. I mean, make yourself useful, get me a Diet Coke Zero."